
Curious Minds Meet



11 Years

The Ooze Participant
05-31-2014, 11:33 PM
Erani Adravendi

Erani padded slowly through her territory, ears swiveling. She hadn?t seen her daughter Lyric, or Chrysanthe lately. Not since the meeting. She was beginning to worry. However, she was distracted by an unfamiliar scent mingling with the pup, Cecily, one of Emer?s girls, on the breeze from the border. Her path turned quickly, paws falling silently as she took in the scents blowing toward her.

She arrived in time to see the male bound across the border, Cecily welcoming him. A short shake of her head rippled the fur at her ruff, and she charged, coming in low and silent. A short burst of a snarl came roaring from her lungs as she attempted to slam her thirty-six inches of height, and one-hundred and thirty pound weight into the trespasser?s shoulder. ?Respect the borders, unless you have been welcomed by a high ranking wolf from my pack, or myself.? Whether or not the male had managed to evade her battering ram attack on him, or was picking himself up off the ground, her eyes turned to Cecily, tail raised to mark her stature. ?And you, young lady, are not allowed to accept wolves into the pack. You are to call an adult, or for me. Am I clear, Cecily Lassair??

Despite her rather daunting appearance, her voice and words were gently given, if with a heavy amount of sternness, to both wolves. Her eyes turned back to the stranger. ?Step back on the rogue side of my borders, and we?ll try that again, young man.? She waited until he had done so, then introduced herself. ?I am Erani Adravendi, Alpha Primary of Valhalla. May I ask who you are?? Deep blue eyes were expectant as she waited for his answer, one ear cocked toward Cecily.

Walk ---- "Speak" ---- "Hear" ---- Think