

Dutiron i


8 Years
06-01-2014, 05:31 AM

The first to appear before the two new leaders was Novella. He would smile at her comment and give a soft nod of his head in response. "Yes you will." He admitted as he nuzzled the girl in response before she went to take a seat before them, awaiting the rest of the pack to arrive. Slowly but surely they would follow, the first another daughter of Song's he would guess, something confirmed as the second Dutiron would arrive and speak her name; Novel. Another child would arrive, followed by a dark coloured female that somewhat resembled Dhiren. And then the young man himself would arrive. "Good morning Dhiren, and not at all. Everything will be explained soon enough." He added the last comment for the benefit of the more confused members of his family.

Howl hadn't been there to greet them at the border on the night of their arrival, in fact only Novella, Song and Anthem had actually been present to greet and welcome them to Ludicael. It was good to see that he was well though it seemed from the stern expression upon his face and the distance he kept that the man wasn't quite so pleased himself. Even Song had forgiven and forgotten, this reaction would surely only hurt his poor mate and he would press himself against her a little more, a reminder that he was there.

Legend's arrival would be far more welcoming as he rushed forwards to greet them both. "Of course we did Legend." He stated, nuzzling him in return before he stepped back to take his seat with the rest of the pack. This was surely not all of them, Song for starters had yet to arrive but he knew others of her children were still missing, Anthem hadn't shown himself and nor had Satu though he presumed perhaps Iorwerth was having some trouble again and wasn't even sure if his nephew would attend given he apparently wasn't previously a member of the pack. Then there was Symphony, though he had yet to see his daughter again he had seen her mate and knew she was currently in the lands so where was she?

The sight of Song would momentarily brush those thoughts away. From the moment the girl had fallen unconscious guilt had swarmed over him though he hadn't been present the feeling simply couldn't be helped. Clearly she had struggled along for so long here and it certainly hurt to see her in this weakened state, if possibly she looked worse now than the day she had come to see them to hand over the pack, was she perhaps regretting the decision now or was there more still bothering her? The answer it seemed leant towards the latter as she commented upon her son's health. He gave a small understanding nod of his head as she took the seat at their side.

With Song's arrival perhaps it was time to start. With a brief glance to his mate, Dutiron would then look back out to the little gathering. "For those of you who haven't yet met us, we are Dutiron and Novel Destruction. I will certainly discuss the family tree later with those who wish to enquire further but for now I will just inform you that Song is our daughter." It certainly wasn't out of favouritism that he only listed Song's name, but simply because she was the former leader of the pack, that and those who were somewhat confused he believed were more of Song's children.

"Now I know that many of you are wondering why we have called you today." He'd seen the looks of confusion upon the arriving faces and even heard the question uttered in a couple of forms. "Song here has chosen to step down from her position as your leader and Oracle and has handed the pack to myself and Novel." So he would be the bearer of bad news it seemed, how would they take the news? His main concerns would be the already bitter Howl and Song's children.

"Many things I hope you will find won't be changing too much. Song will remain in a position of power as the heir of the pack and will be present for guidance through this period of transition. The ranks will be changing slightly in name, for instance Novel and I will be the Authors with Song taking the position of Sequel." He hoped they wouldn't feel this name change was too much, though Guardian nor Oracle had been titles that he and Novel had felt particularly comfortable with. He would pause there to allow his mate to continue, they were in this together after all, she certainly needed to speak as well. There was the issue of Dhiren formally being the heir that needed to be addressed, as well as assigning the gathered their ranks. Novel and Canta he understood had both been philosophers and if they wished the rank would exist in another name.