
Let Us Do As We Once Did



7 Years
06-01-2014, 08:16 AM

Galahad would give a little nod as Odette spoke, eyes shining bright. ?True enough. Though the closer we are to Valhalla the better in my opinion.? He would give a soft sigh, ears going back as he looked past Odette, back the way he himself had come. ?I?m a bit worried... I haven?t seen Oracle for a little while... I just hope that she is alright...? The two toned brute knew Oracle was strong, that all of them were strong, as they should be, being who they were. But still... he worried for her. Especially after she had almost been kidnapped.

Odette had been doing a lot as well it seemed. Pack life was constant, working hard to do things he supposed. She was training to be a warrior as well... Training with the fae she saw as her adoptive mother. Plus helping healers gathering herbs, and interacting with others... Likely hunts and other bits of training as well... It was no wonder she hadn?t come to see them for quite a bit of time. Gala would give a nod, green eyes shining some. ?It is understandable... Seems you have a lot on your plate indeed.?

He would take a moment to sit as well, looking to the ground for a moment as she asked a question of her own. ?I?ve thought about it... But... I?ve been unable to come to a decision yet.? He would lift his gaze, looking to her now. ?Through trial and error, working with Oracle, I?ve taught myself how to hunt... Even larger game. I helped Emery with it too when we were all still living back at The Snowfalls. His family fell apart too, not sure if you remember them or not... His siblings pretty much all disappeared... And in the end it was just him, Mercianne, and Knight.? He would frown deeper.

?I don?t really have any skills... I tried a spar once in the battlefield but... It didn?t go so well.. And without a mentor to teach me things properly, I don?t know if I?ll ever really be able to do anything other than hunting, and maybe some sloppy fighting.? It was a confession that he hadn?t yet spoken to anyone, though he admitted it to Odette more easily than he would have thought he?d be able to. The brute gave a small shrug. ?But... I?m going to try and work on what I can... Mentor or not I can still figure out some things.?

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