
At Long Long Last



04-24-2013, 07:17 AM

[Image: one_eyed_crusade_by_kidrylm_writer-d5yxnla.png]


The first pattering of paws in the cave tunnel, and Maka's head popped out from around the stone corner. Those brilliant eyes gleamed at the sight. Her voice bounced to Crusade's ears, making the mother smile all the wider. Her tail drummed upon the stone floor, softly though, for her body was tired even if her heart and soul had never been more awake.

"Maka!" she cried in happy, hushed tones. "What do you think of your new little siblings?"

When Maka spoke of Keki, Crusade was quick to reply. "We'll fetch her soon enough - even if Gargoyle has to round up a search party." she shook her head, but it was impossible for her to let worries prick her too deeply when she was so blessed. "Don't worry, little ones," she murmured, not just to her newborns but to Maka as well, "We'll find your elder sister."

It was a testament to how tired Crusade was that she did not scent or hear Asheni until the healer was just at the mouth of the alcove. Crusade couldn't be happier to see her marbled sister, and to think that Asheni would have any other reaction was beyond Crusade's imaginings.

"Of course, Asheni!" the mother said emphatically, "Please, come, come! Tell me, how they look to you - are they healthy?" Crusade had always been a strong sort, but she'd lost a child before. A child that had seemed entirely fine and healthy to her own eyes. She had attempted to prepare herself in case all was not perfect, or perhaps one was sickly or stillborn.. but now that they were here, she felt the fierceness of a mother's love ignite within her breast. She would climb to heaven and back to keep each precious one alive.
