
Mummy am I dying



11 Years

The Ooze Participant
06-01-2014, 05:57 PM
Erani Adravendi

She?d just gotten done with seeing Jinxx, and had gone back to her den to find that her daughter and heir, Surreal, was sick with the same thing, but not quite as delirious. Surreal had recognized everyone around her, and was trying her best to stay calm, even with the seizures that wracked her frame, and the tears of blood that poured down her face. In fact, the wolf who was panicking most was Falk, Surreal?s chosen mate. It made Erani very glad that Surreal would be with a male that would never leave her side for someone else, and would lead beside her when she became the Alpha of Valhalla. Erani had just finished washing her fur out, watching the small splatters of bloody tears wash into the crack in the ravine wall, out of the way of drinking wolves? Hm. That could be an advantage, maybe. Valerius? call turned her head. The note held a high amount of urgency. Erani already knew what it was about.

She took off at a lope, reaching the son of Cairo swiftly. ?Who is it? Jinxx is sick, Surreal is sick. Isis is sick? So far, those are all I know about?? There was a faint sign of tiredness in her voice as she looked him over, then the children and Emer, finally coming to stop at Cecily. ?We need to get her separated from the healthy children, and baths for everyone at my spring. Don?t lick her tears. We don?t know if this is truly contagious via wolf to wolf, or if it?s borne on the air, but we need to take precautions. She has the same thing as the others.? She wracked her brain, trying to think. ?Self-Heal for the fever? Perhaps with some Alkanet? That should ease it some..? She murmured to herself as she looked over the small pup. Such a lively little girl, so recently taking it upon herself to invite strangers into the pack, now struck down and shaking by this illness. ?When did this start, Emer, Valerius??

Walk ---- "Speak" ---- "Hear" ---- Think