
The joy discord can bring


06-01-2014, 06:40 PM

The day was still in full swing, but the temperatures remained cold and there was nothing she could do about it. Long, graceful legs carried a dark blue babe across the dead grass, her paws caressing the ground they touched. As each step kept up its own soft and relaxed tempo, Pandora's brightly lit turquoise blue eyes looked around. Everything that had been full of life before was now dead to the her. What a shame for the girl's first visit to the thicket.
Taurig and Maija's legacy lived on in her and the four siblings she shared. The said legacy was something she wanted to keep up and make them proud, but as she continued to grow, it was becoming less of a priority. Pandora Selene Artenie was becoming a girl of many qualities, some of which had not been revealed yet. All she knew was that she felt a power reside inside herself and it would not go away. Brimming with self-confidence and assurance of how she would greet the unknown world, she continued to think of all the possibilities that lay in front of her.
That day, she wasn't looking for anything in particular. Her plans for the future had yet to be made, but she had an inkling of a thought to catch up with her Aunt Sibelle. Since Maija had decided to take herself and their family away from the island, she knew that there were other connections waiting to be touched again. The problem was, Maija hadn't told Pandora who those connections were, leaving the young girl in a daze. No matter. The half-Romanian didn't let that dampen her spirits. She would make her own connections, and retain them for the future. After all, you never know when they will come in handy.

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