
Tell Me Please



04-24-2013, 07:43 AM

[Image: one_eyed_crusade_by_kidrylm_writer-d5yxnla.png]


Crusade's pups would be coming any day now. It pained her somewhat to be confined to the pack cave on these - the last warm weeks of Glaciem's year. She wanted to hunt. She wanted to find Keki. She wanted to climb a mountain.

The pups kicked sharply within her.

Okay, maybe not climb a mountain. But needed to move. She might be old and swollen fat with children, but she was still Crusade. She needed to feel the earth passing beneath her paws and the breeze twisting through her fur. She'd just take a quick walk - maybe luck would let her run into Keki. That adopted daughter of hers had been making herself scarce and it was worrisome. Did she think that just because Crusade was having biological pups it would make her any less of a daughter? Crusade had enough heart to go around, and what she wanted to prove that to Keki.

But she wouldn't be able to travel far. Nor fast. Just an easy stroll in the northern summer sun.

The stroll drew her paws along game trails and forest roots, through tussocks and tundra grass and under fallen logs. She was just getting ready to turn back, when a scent of a wolf caught her nose.

It was the one wolf who'd been allowed a den away from the rest of the pack. Because frankly the rest of the pack wasn't sure if they ought to kill him. Saix.

Crusade had had a long talk with Gargoyle - in which, to her surprise, she'd played Saix's defendant, arguing that the male had no memory of what had passed and while that niether healed wounds he'd caused nor absolved him of his sins, they had to at least give him shelter. The male was not long for this world and it would be cruel to turn him out.

Gargoyle hadn't liked it. In fact he'd hinted more than once that perhaps the most merciful thing to do for all concerned was end Saix quickly. It was one of those few times when Crusade and her brother were on opposite sides of a disagreement. And at such times tension was always high. Yet in the end, Gargoyle had yielded. After all, Saix was too weak now to cause any real trouble. Especially if he kept off to himself.

Crusade found herself walked towards the lonesome den. "Saix?" she called from a distance. "Saix, it's-it's Crusade. May I come in?"
