
Do I know this Place? [Arcane/re-joining]



04-24-2013, 08:14 AM

[Image: one_eyed_crusade_by_kidrylm_writer-d5yxnla.png]


Sometimes Tragedy was unavoidable. As was the aftermath. Crusade could do nothing to ease the pain of either of the wolves before her. She had to stand and what as they broken hearts became open to one another. It was enough to big tears to her eyes. Well eye and eye socket - even though Xy had ripped out her right orb, the tear ducts remained somehow intact. When Crusade blinked, she found the cheek fur on both sides of her face damp with fallen sympathy.

It was too much to take in. Saix was, to some extent believing what Arcane said - or at least allowing himself to be hurt by her words. What they said to eachother... it curled her stomach into a knot. Death and Loss and Revenge. And Crusade could do nothing but stand and watch.

Yet Saix did turn to her. He asked her a question that set her mind at work. Would she allow him back into Glaciem.

"Death claims us all in the end," Crusade murmured. "But some ends are closer than others." She looked Saix over carefully. She'd been lucky with her own aging. She was old, but she was still fit and hunt-ready. Not all canines could lay claim to so many years of health. Most, when they reached Saix's age, were about ready to submit to the next world. To Crusade, it was clear Saix was not long for this life.

And it was completely against her grain to allow a wolf she'd once called packmate to die alone and unburied somewhere in the wilds.

"Saix... for what time you have left, you may tarry in Glaciem. A separate den can be dug for you, and-" "-and Arcane may choose to visit it or, keep her distance." such were her thoughts, but she did not wish to voice them. There was enough pain in the air. She didn't need to point things out. "However, my word is no longer law here. I must speak with Gargoyle." Her ears bent back a touch. Heaven only knew what he would think. And Arcane-!

Crusade turned her head so that she could fix her good eye upon her sister. Would she stay by Crusade's side as things were dealt with? Or would she rather be alone now?

The pale Timber cross could make no guesses even at the immediate future. This was all beyond the coping abilities of most wolves.
