
Best Man

Gargoyle I


04-24-2013, 08:33 AM


A growl drew itself from Gargoyle's throat, a deep, low, threatening sound that thickened and twisted as though it had a life of it's own. Tawny muzzle fur peeled back slowly to reveal gleaming fangs and pink gums. The skin along the bridge of the male's nose twisted and contorted until his face was barely recognizable. Meanwhile his eyes, still devoid of any thought or emotion, blazed with a hellish hunger.

"This is my kill. Unless you wish to be eaten as well, you'll stand down."

The snow leopard yowled, screeching like an ancient fury. It's long, lithe body was set in a perfect hunting crouch as it stared down the rocky slope at Gargoyle and the mountain goat he'd caught. It's pale, feline eyes zeroed in on the kill. It's whiskered muzzle drew back as it hissed. It might as well have been a cobra. Yet what the cat had perhaps not noticed yet from it's perch - was that this wolf it was about to tangle with as just as large as a leopard.

And add to that that Gargoyle was hunting for his pups and his wife today.

No he wasn't backing down. Besides, it'd been a long time since he'd gotten to taste cat.

Frisk was nearby, crouching between crags of mountain stone, trying to stay out of the way. He'd seen Gargoyle fight and kill - more than he might've liked. He knew Gargoyle didn't need any help guarding what was his, and the mink companion was just delluded enough to believe it would be an easy win. But cats half by born instinct a speed with wolves can only match through seasons of hard training, add to that larger claws and thick muscle and the fight suddenly becomes far more tense.

Gargoyle waited, his paws balancing like pins on the ground, ready to leap back from a spring and counter with all his might. But cats are the masters of the waiting game. The snow leopard growled and hissed and stared, now shifting this paw, now twisting it's tail, but it didn't spring. Not yet...


~Don't want to let you down, but I am H.e.l.l.b.o.u.n.d.~