



8 Years
06-01-2014, 09:53 PM (This post was last modified: 06-01-2014, 09:53 PM by Qanik.)

Nerves frayed nearly to the breaking point, Qanik froze for a frustratingly long time, the seconds seeming to tick over into hours as chaos erupted around the clearing. A gray male was the first to answer her summons, his demand for her to move away from Roman drawing a fearful fury from the white female before he explained, and she stepped away reluctantly, still barely tracking in her daze. He was saying words, but she couldn't quite register them, and she realized that a dull ringing seemed to fill her ears.

More wolves appeared, first August acting very unlike himself, and the dread only deepened as she saw the telltale sign of blood tears. Dayton, too, appeared, more words leaving his maw in a buzz that she could not understand as she stared blankly at Roman, fear beating a painful tattoo of blood through her body. What could she do? Was this it? Was this pack as doomed as her last? Was she a curse on the very families she sought to lead and protect?

She sank still further into her panic, before suddenly a deep breath flooded into her lungs and the panic forcefully snapped and she straightened. Her pack needed her and here she was quivering in a cowardly ball of fear instead of doing the job Roman had given her as her second. How much time had passed since she'd blanked? Too long, as it seemed more chaos had overwhelmed the clearing since then in the form of more sick wolves. As she came back to herself it was to watch the would-be guardian Elli arbitrarily testing herbs on Barristan.

"Wait," her voice rang out, deep and calm despite the fear that still clawed at her insides. "I am no healer, Elli, but if you do not know what the disease is it seems your attempts may do more harm than good. Consult with our other healers before you make another attempt - they may know what you do not. Gossamir," she turned her square muzzle in the young healer's direction. "Take what information we have to our allies, the packs Arcanum and Glaciem. It may be they know something of this disease that we do not. Share with them all we know and bring back whatever information they can give us." She hesitated a moment, knowing that what she was about to ask might go against Roman's own wishes, not knowing the alpha's feelings about the pack, but... "Go to Valhalla as well. Tell Erani that I sent you to ask their help. Give them whatever information you think they need to assist."

Her eyes swept over the group, barely firming herself against the despair that threatened to overwhelm at the magnitude of this task. "Restrain the ill, if you can. The last thing we need is for them to wander away and do themselves harm before we can treat the disease."

To this end she paced forward to face the wolf standing over Roman, her eyes staring impassively into his rage-filled face. "Stand down, Faust," she spoke slowly, guessing that this might be the wolf Roman had spoken of in their meeting who seemed to evoke such mixed feelings in her.
