
Dawn of Gods


06-02-2014, 11:25 AM

Massive male felt his shoulder connect solidly with the woman's chest, sending a jarring tremor up the apendage. He was only vaguely aware or what was going on around him, the feeling of teeth slipping around his scruff even as his jaws snapped at air where the woman's foot had been. Then suddenly Daeg was there, supporting him and throwing herself into the fray. His skull would shake and writhe, attempting to loosen the woman's hold on it. Then Cat would appear, speaking to another white woman rather hostially and for a moment he would be distracted, straightening slightly as he watched Cat. But then a form would appear, small and frail, poking from the bushes. Her head stuck up and a whine slipped for her lips as his eyes shot wide. Basanti... "Cat!" Words were a harsh bark as he trid to alert Cat to Basanti but he couldn't wait. He tore himself free, damning the damage his took. Flesh and muscle ripped along his neck and pain fared but still he ripped free, shooting forward like a bullet until he was before Basanti. He didn't stop to a like her, instead he leaned down, snapping her up gently enough by the scruff. Without missing a heat he was gone, sprinting off with his daughter curled in his jaws. Hopefully Cat would follow.

-exit Ky and Basanti-