


06-02-2014, 12:08 PM

He had fled from a battle... He had never fled from a battle before in his life and here he was just peacing out, turning tail and running like a coward. No... He had to go back. Cat was sick. Daeg and Neios were sick and he was the one fleeing. As soon as he was far enough away from the battle that he could no longer hear the sounds he would slow slightly, to a trot rather then a full out sprint. Still he held Basanti in his jaws, choosing not to say anything to her at this point. He would take her to Zaira and then return and help if needed. Yes. That was the best course of action and Zaira was the only one he had come to really trust with his daughter. She was family after all...

Ky took a right and turned towards Cat's daughters den but as he drew closer he would slow further. The male blinked, trying to sample the air around Basanti's scent and the scent of his own blood as it dripped steadily to the ground. Something was wrong... He lowered his head slowly, placing Basanti on the ground before taking a hesitant step forward. "Stay put." His voice was a deep rumble though he didn't spare her a glance, verdant gaze trained on the den as he slipped forward. He could hear her laboured breath, harsh and ragged. It didn't come evenly either instead it seemed like every so often her breath eluded her before she caught it again in a wheeze.

But no sooner did he step into the den did the sounds stop, her body expelling a last breath as blood continued to trickle from her ears and nose. He stood for a moment, staring at her body and praying she could gather her breath again but she didn't. She simply lay there limp, lifeless and he could do nothing? "Zaira?" He murmured as he reached forward to nose at her neck but no tensing of muscle greeting him, her he'd simply rolled back a bit before flopping back to its original position. She was gone?