
Road Trip


06-02-2014, 03:30 PM

The summonings of the Tortugan queen had led the summer child from his den, to heed it, as it seemed only directed at him. What was it that the alabaster vixen wanted? Swiftly, he had been led to beyond Tortugan territories in a journey to meet a distant pack. He would regard this position as some sort of a guard, should they be met with violence at the pack borders, but he was told that Valhalla was a kind and welcoming pack. Still yet, the male would carefully watch for any danger. Once the traveling pair had reached the Valhallan borders, the brujo stopped, banner rising as he raised his crown, sniffing for any nearby wolves, but relaxed as the Tortugan queen called to the alphess of the pack, which was answered by her presence herself.

Instinct drove the summer child to give a respectful bow, to acknowledge her presance and to show he was of no threat, and his gaze was unwavering, only moving to glance over that the Tortugan queen to see if he was following her, before the white vixen began to speak, introducing herself as the Alphess of Valhalla. Once more, he would respectfully bow his crown, but lips remained tucked, as he would not speak just yet, awaiting the Tortugan queen's speech first, before he would perhaps introduce himself, if the pearly queen did not herself.

Walk, "Talk",