
I See Fire


06-02-2014, 06:44 PM

Her cocoa colored eyes would flash open in an instant from her late afternoon rest and she would rise like the regal wolf she thought herself to be. Her white fur, covered with the grey-brown dirt of the cave floor, would begin to shake as she cleared it so she might be able to press on with her adventures. She would slowly but rather dramatically inhale as her eyes cast a gaze first to the right and then to the left. With that she would take her step into the world beyond the cave as she ran forward at a high-paced speed. She was rather placid, which surprised her for she was normally freaking out inside that she was not doing something right or she was not doing something that was in the best interest of her family life, a life she was trying to start still. Her limbs ached from the constant motion of the past two seasons that had brought her to Alacritia.

She skidded to the halt with the scent of something funny. It was a wolf? or multiple wolves even. Aaliyah knew it to be one scent, the scent of a pack. The scent had piqued her interest as she narrowed her eyes the slightest bit. She took another scent, trying to draw out to see if she could tell how many different scents there were but she could not distinguish them. With her attempt failing she had but one plausible choice left. That choice was to call for someone from the pack to give the regal princess and devoted vigilante some answers as to what the pack was actually and if it might be a home for her to reside in. Her white fur bristled slightly as she caught the faintest scent of blood on the borders too. Was this a pack of violence or had there just recently been a scuffle with a bold loner? Only time would find the answers as she stood at the borders to the pack.

Being a princess herself, it was only natural for her to call for the leaders or a higher up. She wanted to talk to nobility, not peasants. It was hypocritical really, as she had started out as a peasant herself. That was a lie for she herself had not. However her family did have a history of being a peasant family. It was only in the Torbine rebellion that she rose to power as a princess with her father leading the great kingdom. That was the reason she had left Torbine too, she was too far back in the line of succession in order to have any realistic hopes of gaining a crown of gold. She had ventured to start her own pack and forge her own kingdom from the fires. It would take a great deal of time and dedication but it was nothing that she could not handle.

Her eyes darkened as she stood at the forest?s edge. She was beginning to grow impatient but she never let such things show. It was only what she thought in her mind and felt in her heart and unless there was a wolf who showed up that could read minds, there was no hope in discovering otherwise what had become of her mind or heart. A great power she held was control of her emotions and nothing, nothing, was going to make her lay her heart out on her sleeve. Her eyes were holding a narrowed look as she had a determined grin on her muzzle. She was a little tense with all her muscles built up like she was going to have a fight or flight response at any moment. It was just her natural posture as she had her frontal right paw out in front of her left. She had her head up and it showed that she was proud to be at the borders that day. She would find out about this pack and at the end of the day, it could be a temporary home.

It was her life and it was time that she started living. It had surprised her that she was so close to the borders when she had laid to rest for the afternoon. She often traveled at night when the moon was high in the sky. She cleared her throat slightly as she would await a wolf to great her and ask her what she was doing on their prestigious borders. They seemed like a well-kept pack just from the state of their lands, that is, if you take out the blood stains on the cold, hard earth.
