
Rodeo Road


06-03-2014, 03:27 AM

Powerful legs carried him eastward, continuing his trek to warn other packs of the spreading sickness that was ravaging the lands. He was glad that he had not caught it, for he was not willing to find out how it would affect a creature such as him or Obsidian. So far, they were as healthy as a horse...ironic, was it not? He tossed his head, mane free flying in the wind as hooves thundered across the grounds. He had been running non-stop, first from West to North, then continuing his journey from North to East. He was a fast beast, faster then the single cross marked wolf could trek. He could do it in half the time, and it gave him some sort of purpose. Though he was not allied with any packs, he would perhaps soon find what his life destined him to do. And yet, even he knew not what that would be.

The snow would fall upon him, though the flakes did not last long as the wind rushing by would clear them off his form. Eyes were narrowed against the flurries, breath coming out in small clouds against the cold winds. He snorted, expelling the snow that was lining within his nostrils. And soon, he would begin to slow as his lungs burned from the cold air. He was not used to it, for he was from the desert regions. Snow as not his forte, and it would affect him bit by bit as the cold air grew sharp in his chest. He would stop, hooves slowing pace like a plane on a runway as finally he came to a stop. Breath was heavy, chest heaving with the exertion of his running in the northern mountains, the oxygen thinner then what he was used to. He would seek out some water, and upon finding a small stream he would come to find it frozen over. Disappointed though not deterred, the male would lift a foreleg and bring his diamond hard hoof upon the frozen surface, ice shattering beneath his weight. Though now he had a wet matter, at least he had water now. Lowering his huge head, he would drink the ice cold water. Rest was in order for now...

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