

Silent I


11 Years
06-03-2014, 11:21 AM

Silent had heard the howl of the current stranger, but that didn't stop her from heeding the call. She knew that it was the summons for a meeting and as the newest member of Ludicael, she wouldn't hesitate to be there. The determination in her emerald green eyes twinkled in obvious light as she rose from her nap to look out of her den. The scenery, even in winter, was breathtaking. With that positive thought each morning, she knew each day would be good.
The black female moved in slow, rhythmic movements as she pushed herself up from the soft ground. Her front limbs remained stiff and sore, like they always did when she woke up, but they were the first ones to step outside. Her back legs followed and a gentle flick of her black tail tickled the tip of Bronze's nose. He had settled for napping with her -- something she enjoyed like a young pup with a chew toy -- and so she intended to have him go with her. She turned her head back to look at him, eyes twinkling as she softly said, "Wake up, my love. We are being called to our first pack meeting. We shouldn't miss it!"
Once she knew that Bronze was beginning to stir, she stepped out to fully stretch all four legs, her tail, and spine. Each space between her bones and joints enjoyed the ritual she did after each nap, and they let her know by giving her relief from the stiffness. Silent happily sighed as the soreness disappeared as well. She shook out her black fur, matted from sleep, and a light yawn escaped through open lips. Her green eyes met Bronze's brown opts before they walked, side by side, to where the meeting was being held.
They were around the last few to appear, something she found disappointing. She silently blamed her old age on not arriving in a timely manner, but didn't voice it to the small crowd. Her ears pricked as the older male in front of them spoke, identifying himself as Dutiron and his mate, Novel, beside him. The pair looked quite handsome, another thought she kept to herself. Maybe, in due time, they would know of her opinions.
Her ebony haunches recoiled to the ground as she felt Bronze lean against her. She gently raised her front paw to brush against his reassuringly as she continued to listen to her new ruler speak. Another form then took her gaze away from the older male: Song. Her heart began to break when she saw how tired and distressed the young wolf had become. She wanted to scoop her up right then and tuck her away from the world, but Silent knew better. So, she waited until Song looked up and their gazes met. Silent then mentally sent messages to the white girl, letting her know that she would be all right and that she would be there for any and everything she needed.
The black female then broke her gaze to look back at the older pair, realizing that they were, indeed, Song's parents. She, along with Novella and their siblings, resembled the two wolves without even guessing it. Dutiron and Novel were going to stay and take over Song's place as ruler. Silent had no problem with the changing of hands, so long as they were clean and intended to rule properly. She had seen enough alpha changes in her lifetime to know when something foul would take place. From knowing how pure Song's soul was, she prayed that they were just like her.
Ranks were then offered to those that were seated in front of the rulers and Silent was at a loss for words. She didn't know what part her and Bronze would be able to play, but she wanted to be useful. At least...until her body wouldn't be able to bear it anymore. She was an able body (to an extent) and she would be eager to prove it. Slowly, she cleared her throat and her eyes met the pairs' before she spoke. "I wouldn't mind putting myself up for a rank, Dutiron and Novel." She was older than they, but she still held the respectful tone Ocean and River had grinded into her skull. "I am not the fastest or most able bodied wolf here, but my mind is still good and I do not intend to let it remain festering in my skull until my time arrives. Give me a task and I will do my best to please you and the pack as a whole."
A light smile appeared on her still smooth features as she realized she hadn't introduced herself. "Pardon my lack of introductions. I am Silent Shadow, but everyone that knows me calls me Silent. This handsome wolf beside me is Bronze-" she looked beside her and gave him a loving smile, "and we are the most recent additions to Ludicael's body." Her head turned back to look at them as she concluded, "I hope we will help make positive changes to our lovely home."
