
Smiles Make The Day Brighter You Know



06-03-2014, 12:21 PM

Walk | Talk | Think

She set a paw on the squirrel as she took her first bite, holding it in place while her teeth tore through skin to get to the meat. It tasted wonderful on her tongue, still fresh and just the sort of snack to satisfy her hunger. A pleasant noise issued from her muzzle as she smiled and listened to him tell her that his visit had nothing to do with his sister. Ash was only a little surprised by this, though easily wrote it off as Arwel being just as friendly and kind as his sibling. It bode well for her hope of becoming friends with Meili's family.

The casual mention of Leon, however, seemed to steal away her appetite, and suddenly the bite of squirrel in her mouth lost its delicious taste. She swallowed it and stared at what remained, knowing that the fact her smile had deserted her would give her away but it was beyond her control. Leon had been busy and away of late, and while she knew deep down it did not mean his feelings for her were changing she still worried. This had been what he had wanted, right? A family, pups, with her? His distance was not a means of avoidance, was it? "Leon's been...busy lately," she answered uncertainly, wishing she fully believed the excuse she gave for her mate's distant behavior.

But it became obvious that his intention had not been to bother her with problems that she alone knew of. He was only there to make friends with his sister's friend, and knowing that he appreciated the friendship she had extended toward Meili eased her worries and quietly brought her smile back. "She's been a very good friend to me too," Ashtoreth informed him, "the best, even. I'm lucky to have her here." And how close had her best friend been to her brother? "It must have been a while since you've seen her," she remarked, unsure about the true extent of the absence but knowing herself how excited she would have been in his shoes.