
I See Fire


06-03-2014, 05:32 PM

It did not take long for the queen of the lands to arrive and request to know what the lowly loner was doing at her borders. Her eyes did not fall onto the eyes of the pack wolf however as that would be considered a challenge on her lands and would no doubt be considered the same in these strange new lands. She relaxed her position as she thought carefully as to what she would say. ?I have come to inquire about your pack. I?m Aaliyah. Aaliyah Hera Olympia technically by birth.? She introduced herself with both her first name and then her full set of names as she found it customary.

A small smile graced her muzzle with the hopes of being alright with this pack. Truth was she needed a home and she wanted to find one soon. She glanced at the blood stains a bit more. ?Would you consider your pack to be particularly?? She tried to find the word. ?Violent? No, that isn?t the right word. Fight-savvy perhaps would be a better word.? The question was an honest one as another cold and fierce wind snapped at her rather long and ragged pelt. She hated the cold but she would not complain. Her chocolate brown eyes held a fierce determination within them. It was one that she knew would aid her in her attempts to live at life.

She no longer stood so regal as a realization hit her that she was not royalty, but just a lowly loner.