
You're Lookin' at the New Playboy



06-03-2014, 05:48 PM

The wiry man pushed his way through the dead underbrush, cursing all that was winter. It was cold, obviously, but somehow he believed that leaves and greenery softened the truth of it all. The wilds were pointy, and that was the end of it. Brambles reached out to tug at his coat, as if hungry for his blood. Burrs latched onto his haunches and legs, tangled in twitching ears, and blackened his humor. Furthermore, he really hated ferns. Especially dead ones. All they would do is rustle and sway, giving away his presence to prey, and causing him to jump at every shadow! He sighed, and that sigh became a growl, and that growl settled into a scowl that did not seem overly eager to leave him any time soon. The joys of being a rogue in winter, he thought to himself in an acrid tone. Once upon a time, that time being summer of course, he might not have minded traveling alone. The nights were warm, the land verdant, and the pickings came easily. Now it was barren, cold, brutal... And how on earth will the ladies take note of me, all skin and bones? He chuckled, and pushed on. At last he mounted the rise he'd been fighting for the better part of the evening. To his great surprise, as he'd previously been walking in shadow, he was met with a brilliant sunset. Where the sky was usually so void of color this time of year, it had lit up then with all the brilliance it could muster. Large clouds radiated gold, amber, and ruby hues, all backlit with violets and indigos and turquoises. It brought a rare smile to his face, and he decided quite suddenly to sit for a while.

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