
You're Lookin' at the New Playboy


06-03-2014, 06:01 PM

Hips swayed as the russet woman navigated around dead brush, trying her hardest to avoid getting caught on anything. The plague still haunted her home, they seemed to be no closer to finding a cure than they were before. Every so often the woman would slip away unnoticed, desperate for a breath of fresh air, air that was tainted with blood and sickness. Snow crunched beneath her weight, but the woman paid no mind to being quiet, she hadn't expected to cross paths with anyone tonight. The sun was setting, the temperatures dropping with it. Winter was an awful time, but being in a pack made it a little easier. However, there was one thing that couldn't be changed. She was in heat. Desire constantly gnawed at her belly, only briefly sated after her night with Cru. It had returned with a vengeance, demanding that she find a partner.

Her perfume swirled around her, clinging to her pelt, begging for attention. Verdant gaze scanned the area before her, eyes picking out a form sitting quietly, alone. She would move closer, making not motion to hide her approach, she didn't want to startle the stranger. Russet hues stood out against the pale landscape, her bracelets reflecting the last little bit of sunlight before night fell. She would attempt to approach form behind, nostrils inhaling his intoxicating scent, emerald pools absorbing his strange marking like a sponge. "Hello." Soft, sultry words rolled off her tongue with ease, the woman stopping several feet away, russet crown tipping slightly to the side, a friendly smile playing on creamy lips.