
For Good


04-24-2013, 12:10 PM

Golden orbs would flicker, gazing about the territory with seemingly disinterest. She often lost herself to the silence, preferring instead to keep her thoughts contained within her skull rather than spilling them out into the open. Not everything needed to be spoken, not everything needed to be flooded with pain and misery. Memories often taunted her, but no longer did they consume, they no longer defined her. Her coat of mixed colors, a symbol of her ugliness, of her tainted heart would always be a source of vile reminders. She would never deem herself pretty, she was a monstrosity amongst men, always had been. Teased, ridiculed, damned, for the mere color of her coat, it was no wonder she often remained so silent. Seracia was a lovely kingdom, it had nearly every terrain one could think of aside from mountains and desert. The ocean, the beaches, the forest the rivers and lakes... it was a utopia if only she would embrace it, she almost snorted at the obscenity of her thoughts. She doubted she would be sitting in a circle holding paws and singing kumbaya anytime soon.

She adjusted herself, repositioning herself upon the rock, letting her darker pelt absorb the suns heat like a sponge. She would lose herself in memories, not the horrid ones, no... she had stopped letting them haunt her, she had ceased their torture of her mind. She thought of the only glimmering beacon she had ever had the only wolf of ivory that had ever taken pause and offered her the time of day. Galinda... or as she was now, Glinda. The dame had been a drop dead beauty, the exact opposite of Elphaba herself, of course Glinda had never called her Elphaba. Elphapa is too harsh of a word! It falls off the tongue with too vicious a bite! Try Elphie!... Elphie! Oh my gosh that's adorable! Elphie! Elphie is your new name! She, to this day, was the only one who called her as such, no matter how much she struggled for everyone else to begin calling her the derivative. She often forgot that the rest of the pack detested Elphie. Glinda, despite her vain and selfish tendencies, absolutely adored her. Despite herself, Elphaba missed her, the sparkle, the gleam in her eyes when she used her brain and not her body, the easy laugh that was rich in abundance. Glinda had made her hesitate, for a brief moment she had considered staying. The source of reticule and damnation, if only to keep Glinda, but they raped her, abused her, beat her, and she could bite her tongue no longer. She had said the most cleverly disguised goodbye as she was able and vanished. She doubted she would ever see her only friend ever again.

The scent of a male snapped her from her musings and so lost in dreams from the past she almost stood up to retreat, in her old pack the less she was seen, the less they remembered to beat her, but quickly reality flooded back to her. She wasn't in the kingdom of Oz... not any longer, she was in Seracia, a completely different spit of land. One that, hopefully, would not damn her for sunbathing. She would watch with grave curiosity as the male turned the corner. Emerald eyes would glimmer like beacons, glazed and lost in whatever thoughts ailed him. His coat pattern was bizarre, unique, different. A source of unworth, at least according to her true home, Elphaba was beginning to think that difference was a source of strength and power, but perhaps it was merely her own troubled past that had crafted her in such a way. She would watch as he approached her, content to watch him pass if that was what he so desired. When once he noticed her, he paused, starring at her. She was accustomed to it, she didn't think on it twice. he spoke to her a brief word and nothing more and her audits swiveled to catch the rough pitch of his tone. She shifted upon the rock. Pulling herself sternal and curling her legs beneath her, ready to abandon her boulder at the drop of a hat. Friend or foe, commander or peasant, she would respond to his demands, if he had any for her. "Hello... you seem distracted." She would speak as though discussing the weather. She would not demand his problems, if he wished to speak of them he could and if he wished to blow her off and continue about his way he was more than welcome to do that too. Elphaba merely sat and calmly awaited his response.
