
You're Lookin' at the New Playboy



06-03-2014, 08:01 PM

The voice that broke in upon his sudden revelry was unanticipated... And pleasant. He turned to glance over his shoulder at the woman approaching and found a smirk upon his lips. She fell easily upon his eyes, despite a marred ear and the bangles around her limb, which were more unusual than unpleasant. All in all, he was caught off guard, but hardly in the ways he was used to. Instead of a sudden storm or a badger den, it was a beautiful woman. Quite the surprise indeed. He chuckled and said softly, "Why, hello to you too. Have I taken your spot? Apologies." He stood and made a show of stepping deftly to the side, sweeping his tail out in a gesturing way. "Luckily for us both, I am more than willing to share." His voice was warm, like honey and spring time, his sea bright eyes snapping with mirth. He often looked that way, if the truth was being told. Old forgotten companions would say he was always laughing, more like than not at a private joke only he could hope to understand. It didn't bother him, of course. He was used to being a lone wolf in a world of his own. The man settled again, and looked back to the horizon, wonder if the woman would join him or attack him from behind. Either way, he wouldn't complain. Her company would of course be preferred, but he had an inkling that those lips could do wondrous things to his body. The wind shifted, blowing her scent his way. Mmmm, delicious... he hummed within his mind. And she was in heat, to boot. What a wonderful day.

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