
Dawn of Gods



06-03-2014, 08:35 PM

The beautiful creature was only there to meet her bother. The woman had no threatening intentions. She was innocent, for the moment. Despite the fact that she wanted to slaughter all of the insolent beings that thought they were 'tough.' Two wolves for each tresspasser. What sort of message is that? 'We can sucker punch and we are to good for talking.' The fae was upset and not thinking very rational. As Kylar left the scene it was quite odd to the woman. He fled without looking back, he saw a pup in his jaws. Neph shrugged it off but was slammed in the side with a shoulder. She stumbled slightly, scattering to find her paws. The girl dug her paws into the earth and kept her knees bent. The Elysius bitch felt throbbing within her upper ribs, she assumed bruising at the least. It made her kind of short of breath, but not to an extreme extent. Though, as she would try to curve around and snap at the new man, Daegmar fixated her teeth within her hind right leg. The ebony and white bitch would shake her head, causing more -painful- ripping of flesh and her hind leg would be lifted from the ground at times. Nephele was off balance and in pain, but she would try her hardest to stay on her legs. A ashe dipped tail slipped between her legs even tighter, to hid it in case they targeted the fluffy limb. Nephele would take no chances.

Though, as soon as she slightly gathered her barrings, the bitch behind her struck her hind left ankle once again, in attempt to bring it back. Her hips would also be pressed down by the weight of the other girl and her paw pressing down. Nephele finally came tumbling down. Her hind paws would shoot out from the tugging and pulling. Though, as soon as that would happen, Nephele would attempt to turn onto her back, rolling to her right. This would cause Daeg to either let go of her hind right leg (which would induce even more ripping) or she would have to position herself oddly to remain a logical grip on the thigh. The woman would tuck in her legs, as man as she could. Keep her tail tucked in and tuck her head. Neph would snap her teeth at Lekan, due to the fact that he was closest to her. She would aim for anything, mostly his left leg, which was closest to her. Though, she would also try to 'donkey kick' the Wolf in front of her. If not with her right leg, due to the bite, then with her left. Her eyes were of coursed narrowed, her lips curled up to show her alabaster fangs, and her ears pinned back to her very skull. Nephele tried anything she could, really.

nephele v Daegmar and Lekan


Attacks: She attempted to roll on her back. Attempted bite to Lekans left leg. Tried to donkey kick Daegmar, depending on if she was still attached to her hind right thigh, she would either use both legs or just one.

Defenses: Paws dug into earth, knees bent, tucked in legs, tuck her head, ears pinned, eyes narrowed, and lips curled.

Injuries: bite wound to right hind thigh, ripping. bruised chest from kylar. bruised upper right ribs from lekan. bite wound to left front ankle.

notes: <3