
The joy discord can bring


06-11-2014, 08:24 PM

The way Isolde reacted to her touch was something Pandora enjoyed witnessing. She had never been with someone outside of her family, so having this chance to be this attentive was something she didn't want to easily give up. Isolde revealed her name and Pandora's ears perked to the long, lovely name. " sounds perfect," she softly remarked.
Her eyes continued to hold onto the young girl's as her tail flicked behind her.
Silently, Pandora was not sure what was going to happen next, but the electricity in the air around them was too much for her to ignore. She nipped at the girl's neck before pulling back and nuzzling the same place she had bitten her. Playful growls escaped through Pandora's clenched teeth as she rubbed her head against the thick, creamy pelt that Isolde so proudly wore. Perhaps Pandora was too young to attempt such thoughts that had been running through her head. Maybe, when she grew up a bit, it would be better...and more sweet.
For that night, Pandora took a few steps back to look at Isolde. "Isolde, will you do me the honor of watching one of the most lovely things nature can show?" Before Isolde gave her an answer, she lowered herself on the ground and made the perfect place next to her so they could look up without hurting their necks.
