
You're Lookin' at the New Playboy



06-04-2014, 08:14 AM

Her name fell easily against his ears, sweet and unsuspecting, yet somehow charged with things he did not know what to make of. He knew her name, but who was she really? Where did she come from, and what were her intentions. She offered no surname, was it possible she did not have a family either? Or perhaps, he considered, she expected him to recognize her without one. Wolves he'd met in his travels, the man had come to find, were infinitely wily. Archaic's smile widened and he dipped his head. "A pleasure to meet you, Miss Sibelle," he said low and sweet. Oh yes, he knew his courtesies. "My name is Archaic. Rogue, vagabond, lady's man..." He chuckled at his own joke, hoping she would see the mirth in his eyes, hear the playful tone in his voice. He wouldn't want to offend such pretty company after all. "Mostly just a rogue, though. I'm afraid my constant search for food doesn't really allow me to get up to much." And wasn't that the truth? For being lean and wiry, the man had a monumental appetite. Always had, in fact. It just so happened that eating was one of his true passions in life, and he considered himself somewhat of a connoisseur... Even if he was mostly just eating rabbits and fish. But still, any meal was a good meal! Be it a feast for the stomach, or a feast for the eyes... He allowed his own orbs to scan up and down the woman's frame once more.

"Talk" "You" Think