
Soothing waters, soothing company



11 Years
06-03-2014, 09:32 PM (This post was last modified: 06-16-2014, 09:05 PM by Bane.)
Bane couldn't remember a time when Tahlia had actually wanted him, almost always him initiating except for when she first asked they try for pups and start a family. This day was one of firsts, his mate craving intimacy over such a simple gesture as a flower being placed in the fur of her ear. Granted, exactly how he had placed the bloom was very suggestive in unto itself. Riling her up so much that they've ventured together down the trail of physical gratification twice. Bane stood over his mate who shifted onto her back for him. His love. His life. A distracting kiss placed against the side of her neck as a foreleg crept down just below her ribs, a throaty growl given as he wiggled the paw underneath between her back and the leaves she lay on.

The pale wolf wanted her to beg before any move was made, a whisper of need or a nip of demand on his nose. The paws gripping against his sides and her pleading whine would do. He felt his name be breathed next to an ear as he tugged on the side of her neck. Tahlia's muzzle settled on his left shoulder as she gasped his name again. Very needy. Very ready. Almost as if they haven't mated two times this morning. All worries of a young wolf roaming about and finding them were nonexistent. All that mattered was that he satisfy his mate. Bane closed his eye with a grunt, tucked paw rolling the female onto her chest. The pale wolf roughly grabbed up her hips, savoring the secure crook between her hind legs and chest as his claws dug into her nerved waist. Bane strode forward to raise her rump and keep her chest pressed into the leaves, savoring the softness of her tail against his stomach. The rogue wolf's fangs would snap up Tahlia's scruff and firmly tug on the loose skin to keep her relaxed and docile as he began to work her over.

-Fade and skip-

The wolves time together bonding through desire and lust had been exhausting for the male after all he had done, Bane sliding off her to lay on his back and just gaze up at the sky for a few moments. His sapphire eye would wander over the tree branches, minding the steady curling and uncurling of his toes as the rogue female lay next to him. A whine left him, exhausted and just hoping that Tahlia was satisfied after his vigorous lovemaking. She liked being breathless, Bane knowing she would be kept that way for a few more moments. His mate had been... needy today, all over a flower. Maybe he'd give her another in the future.

She was glanced at, his chest rising and falling from the demanding session as he spoke. "Gods I wish you were in heat, what I've left in you must feel useless right now. More paw steps could be soon running after us." Bane rumbled as his body began to convulse in laughter. A kiss was placed behind her ear, head tilting to eye her with a shaky exhalation. He saw the blood trickling over her neck to mingle with the pine needles and leaves, the taste as prominent in his maw as it was visible to his eye.

Some remorse, but she had to be satisfied quickly and their bodies freed up as soon as possible due to wandering pups. He turned his muzzle to her. "We should get this smell off of each other. The less said to the pups the better if they're in an asking mood." The pale wolf mumbled suddenly, the realization that they should be getting back to supervising and rearing young suddenly coming to mind. "Come on." The rogue hushed as he nosed his mates bleeding neck before loping up the hill ahead of her. The river came into view after a moment of weaving through trees, Bane quickly wadding into the current and tossing up the silt along the rock strewn bottom in an attempt to mask the scent of their time together.
Bane •nx Tahlia x-q Anais ono Jakart •n• Nako •n• Lior •n• Kailos •n• Espirit •n•