
It's a dangerous world we live in


04-24-2013, 02:22 PM
Rune was staring at him, Vixe attempted a wink as he had seen his father do so to his mother a few times and not knowing what it might mean he wanted to try. Sadly it came out a pitiful, slightly exaggerated blink with his head tipped slightly towards his brother. Rune's paws shoved at Maia and he attempted to get clear of the massacre that was about to go down. He collided with his sister but was not quite coordinated enough and only succeeded in pushing her back and tumbling further past her. He came to a halt a little ways off, covered in dirt and groaning lightly. He was pretty sure he had bitten his tongue in the whole scuffle and wasn't quite ready to get up and continue playing though he half expected one of or both of his siblings to tackle him right then and there. Especially Maia after he had called her a hideous beast. But he heard his brother coming to his rescue and pushing Maia back, wrestling with her.

Vixe was just starting to pick himself up when he heard her call back to catch her if they could. Oh god he hated his game, he always lost no matter what unless he could tackle her before she took off. Normally he would say screw it but a devious look was cast towards Rune. Rune was faster then Vixe and if he could catch her then Vixe could hopefully pin her. "Lets get her" he said, tone holding an evil edge as he rolled back into a play pounce, bum wiggling in the air. He would launch himself off after his sister if Rune went first but he knew that on his own he had no chance at all in catching her and might as well stay back here and hang out and wrestle with his brother. He was not built to be a runner, though it wasn't super obvious yet it would be in a few months.