
Hard Luck Love (OLYMPUS)

Katja the First


8 Years
06-22-2014, 04:02 PM

As she'd worried, Virgil showed no sign of backing down on her demands either. Katja studied her for a moment, then solemnly bowed her head in acceptance. "Very well, Virgil. If this is as must be, it must be." She raised her head once more, fixing the golden empress with her cool silver gaze. With Val missing, young Svet was heir to the Ebony empire. Losing her would be a blow to the pack even aside from losing one of their pups. "The pups belong with Ebony. Their place is ordained there by the birth and by Raisa's wishes, and there I will keep them."

Backing away slightly, the masked viking gravely prepared herself for battle. Head and tail lowered to be level with her spine, muzzle tilted down slightly to cover her throat, her shoulders rolled forward and head pulled back to scrunch the fur and skin and fat of her neck. Her spine arched slightly to bring round her hindquarters for freer movement as her hackles stood on end and her body lowered into a stalking crouch, joints bent and both joints and loose and ready to move at a moment's notice. Her weight was centered as her paws slipped somewhat apart into a slightly widened stance, evenly distributed and lightly held on her toes in the manner of a martial artist. Ears flattened to her skull in anticipation of possible attacks, eyes narrowed with her brow furrowed that the wrinkled skin might provide greater protection to the delicate orbs. The defenses were readied in a heartbeat, in the manner of a warrior experienced with fighting against dishonorable combatants.

She was ready.

A few inches smaller and a good many pounds lighter built than her opponent, a clashing charge would do little good for her. Instead, as she bounded forward in an attempt to close the distance she had drawn between them, she twisted to the side with the intention of avoiding hard contact with the Olympian's body, wanting instead to come along side her so her left shoulder would brush Virgil's own left shoulder before she brought her hindquarters beneath her and, sitting back to put her weight on her hindquarters, she pirouetted to face where her left shoulder had been. Her hindpaws slid into a widened stance to rebalance herself, her weight moving again to her toes as they widened and dug in for better grip.

She pushed forward and up with her hind legs, lengthening herself as she tried to make hard contact with her chest against the side of Virgil's shoulder, both forepaws rising from the ground to attempt to wrap around Virgil's neck. A hug, with her right paw attempting to hook over Virgil's shoulders and around, her left trying to go under her neck and around, both paws with their blunt claws seeking purchase in the fur there to grip. Even as she moved up, she snapped out with her jaws, reaching toward the taller woman's neck as she rose, trying to clasp her teeth around the slender part of Virgil's neck where the skull met the spine, wanting not to kill but merely to squeeze, wanting to leave the Olympian gasping for breath and blood as the flow was cut off.

She wished to end this charade with the first battle, wanting to leave Virgil too weary with this first battle to continue to fight for the other children, though for Raisa's sake she did not wish to break the golden woman, let alone kill her.

Katja vs Virgil for Svetlana

Round 1/2

Defenses: paragraph 2

Attacks: attempting to strike her chest against Virgil's shoulder as she jumps up, attempting to wrap her legs around Virgil's neck and dig her claws in for grip, attempting to close her jaws around Virgil's throat to squeeze and cut off blood and air flow

Injuries: None, first round

OOC: Here's to hoping I didn't screw up the coding. *fingers crossed*