
a dance with dragons.


06-04-2014, 03:39 PM

She had eagerly begun to search for herbs so that she might have a store when it came to sick and injured wolves. Her eyes focused on each plant as she organized them into holes she had dug under a large and old tree. It was nice to know that she could start a new life in Arcanum, one where she could be a lead healer even. A Baron as they were called in the particular pack in which she sat. A fierce wind of winter swept over her pelt and sent a shiver down her spine. With a deep breathe she would endure. She was a healer, a hunter, a fighter. Nothing would ever change that because it was part of her personality. It was a part of her very soul.

Several things formulated in her head but she could not seem to put them into complete ideas. It bothered her because she had never been that... scatter-brained before the events of the previous day. She looked up to the moon as she took a deep breathe. "Selene, please let this winter end soon." The words rolled off her muzzle before she went back to work. She hated the cold.