
You're Lookin' at the New Playboy


06-04-2014, 04:10 PM

His name would roll of his tongue, dripping from creamy lips like honey. A soft chuckle rolled off her own silver tongue. Lady's man? "Ladies man? I think I'll be the judge of that." The rest of his statement fell on deaf ears, though she appeared attentive. The russet beauty was far to busy memorizing his features. Cream covered most of his body, in erupted only by spots, and strips of chocolate and tan. His markings were mesmerizing, completed with his bright eyes. Her body burned with unsatisfied desire. Damn winter and all the terrible things it brought. She had been a fiery ball of lust since it started. First Cru, now Archaic. Hunger edged her emerald gems, it was a losing battle to hide.

The temptress leaned towards him , closing the little distance between them before speaking. "Nothing's caught your attention to change that rogue status?" Silk words were soft, meant only for his ears. Her question was loaded with several different meanings. He could have easily joined a pack, it would have taken the edge of surviving winter. But also, she wanted to know if he tied down by anyone. Was this a waste of her time, or could he help her? Pools of emerald melted as she peered up at him through her lashes, a small smile played on her lips as the last few rays of sun light disappeared, leaving them in mild darkness.

"Talk" "You" Think