
Wrap me in your love


06-04-2014, 04:55 PM

It had been several weeks since she had been reunited with Ares. Ever since, they had been inseparable. But it was slowly becoming more and more obvious that she was pregnant. Ares had taken notice, but she hadn't confirmed or denied it, but now it was time. Her sides were starting to swell more and more. Long limbs carried her back towards their den in the garden, tattered audits swiveled, listening carefully. She had yet to mention to Ares that Artemis had come looking for him, or that she had sent the wench on a wild goose chase. Should be an interesting conversation. A soft bark would leave her lips, seeing if Ares was even still in the area. Thoughts turned, wondering if they should move the den farther into the heart of parklands, the last thing she wanted was for Artemis to come along and find her children. If the pale bitch even looked at them the wrong way, she would die. The ebony woman would come to a halt just outside their den, haunches reclining as she waited for Ares. Her tail beat rhythmically against the ground, ever since she had found, she had been overjoyed with life again. Her fire had returned, and she felt like she could take over the world. Dual toned eyes were bright, displaying her happiness like little beckons.

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