
I am not my own



4 Years
06-04-2014, 05:09 PM

Dainty paws would kiss the crystalized earth as the damsel danced through the frost. Two toned tail brushing her ankles like a ball gown. Seemingly intricate steps would leave delicate footprints behind her shifting form. Light would bounce from the frozen water on the plants to illuminate her unique pelt. Her senses were drowned in the elegance of the moment, the subtle crunch of ice beneath her paws would mask that of the approaching male. Brilliant gaze would be distracted by the shimmering lights around her, nose only sought stale scents. Elegant steps would halt at the sudden noise made behind her. Cheeks would become flushed as features turned slowly towards the intruder, her heartbeat increasing. The dark pelted man would glide across the frozen earth, his sights intent upon the space beside her.
Her form would retreat from him slightly, her composure regained as she took on her tiara again. Young lungs would draw in a deep breath as golden rimmed gaze took in his tall form, he would tower over her petite form as a greeting was offered her. "Greetings, my speckled darling." taking in another breath she would allow his aroma to fill her senses, he was obviously a pack wolf. Panic would flutter in her chest as she would wonder if she'd actually been caught in his territory, but it was obvious such was not the case. He obviously had interest in her though, "Greetings, sir." She would nod to him, silky tail curling to cascade over her spotted back. "How may I help you?" Her voice was rather curious, the young she wolf very much still innocent to canine society. She had lived completely on her own for half of her life, she was only reverting back to what she had learned from her mother.

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