
At Long Long Last



04-24-2013, 04:10 PM

The pups were do any day now. Cifer was out of his mind with apprehension and nerves. The fact he'd never been a father before, and the fact he'd never even had a mate before Crusade. He hardly knew how to react and his stomach became twisted full of knots as he drove himself insane with worry. Crusade was an aging wolf. What if their decision to have pups killed both their children and her. He would be devastated. The most he could do was stand by and keep an eye on her though. He knew she hated being cooped up, but he'd been overly cautious, not wanting to risk a thing. He'd been on hunts more frequently as well, to hunt for Crusade, himself, and the pack. It also had been something to keep himself busy.

The male trotted back towards the den with a hare dangling from his jaws. A few familiar scents filtered to his nostrils and he immediately recognized Maka, Asheni, and then Crusade. Three new similar scents reached his nostrils and he was puzzled for a moment. They smelled like milk and a mixture of Crusade. It only took him a moment to piece together the links and that was all it took.

The male began to run in excitement, the hare almost forgotten. On multiple occasions he almost dropped it in his rush to make it back to the den. By the time he got there the crowd seemed to have stayed the same. He slowly entered the entrance and worked his way back to where the others were and peeked over the shoulders of Asheni and Maka. The rabbit dropped from his mouth as his emerald gaze fell upon three little gray bundles of fluff. It was obvious their markings would later come in and it was a shame he couldn't see their eye color until later.

Cifer seemed frozen as he gazed upon them. Their children. They had finally arrived. He couldn't bring any words to his mouth. Any sounds seemed to get stuck in his throat. The only notion of his pleasure was the soft wave of his tail behind him as he gazed upon his new family. A sight he thought he'd never see.
