
>> we will all burn together.


06-04-2014, 07:16 PM


She was a sight to see, one that had not hit Hinge's eyes in quite some time. As he watched her, his own gaze hardened, pupils dilated and his breath lowered to a mere silent stifle. A sigh escaped his vocals, and as he did so his remaining smirk stayed where it was, smeared across his narrow maw. Brightened silver orbs followed the dove as she moved. Her every step was like a slow dance, made to bring the brute in, and he was more than enthralled by her.

Thunderous vocals called out to her though he refused to move from his somewhat bulked position, tense with hackles risen, primarily in excitement more than anything. Obsidian coat was shaken for a moment, ridding himself of a sharp shiver than flowed down his spine. Heavy dust and dirt flipped from his ebony hue as he shook madly for only a moment, silver orbs re-opening to pierce towards the female. Bringing himself back down from his heightened sense of lust, the brute licked his maw once over, pink tongue falling over his ebony lips, ivory's flashing hungrily for a moment. Calming himself he inhaled sharply as the fae spoke out. "Nephele..." His vocals poured from his throat, an audible river of deep syllables and sharp noises. He spoke slowly, allowing his mind to comprehend her completely. Though on a more playful note, he refused to give up his name to her quite yet.

A long pause passed between his words, silence between them fell, though it was not awkward. He eyed her hungrily, "Nephele Elysius, of where?" He spoke slowly once more, gently he pushed himself forward, standing tall on thick, powerful stalks, musculature still tense with rippling adrenaline. "Only curious, dove."With one paw in front of the other he walked slowly towards the fae, orbs remaining on her. Veering to her right he continued to walk, crossing before her and turning to round toward her tail.