
i found a Lyon hidden right under my bed.



4 Years
Extra large
06-04-2014, 06:52 PM

The hulking mass pushed his way through the brush with little regard as to where he was going, little regard as to where he had been. He was hungry, it was winter, and sooner or later night would fall. That was all that mattered. His dark form prowled alone, his physical body maintaining a steady rhythm while his mind roamed the hills and valleys of his memory. He lived in days past, in moments far beyond his reach and growing murkier with every passing day. He sighed, a low grumbling sound akin to far off thunder. The season was beginning to wear on him, and he urged it to pass quickly. As if it would listen. The gods rarely did, he'd come to find, and that garnered no spare affection within him. the wind turned against him, and slowly he came to a stop. He'd been following a trail of ocean wind for the better part of an afternoon, but now it intermingled with something else. Someone else. He ground his teeth narrowed his eyes. Perhaps he should turn the other way... The man was in no mood to converse with anyone, to suffer their follies, and yet his stomach ached with hunger. Oceans meant tide pools, fish, flotsam... He pressed on. When he finally did break from the trees he was met with a faint silhouette, a gloriously smooth horizon... and a cliff face. "Oh, you've gotta be shitting me!" he growled, stalking forward until he stood at the edge of the world. He peered down, the dizzying height taunting him. The wolf who stood not but a dozen lengths away was far from the forefront of his mind, as the brute realized his hopes of an easy meal had fallen away.

"Talk" "You" Think
[Image: LN6hKs6.png]