
Along Shores of Gold

Twig I


06-17-2014, 05:07 PM

Had she spent her pregnancy within the confines of Valhalla it was likely the outcome of the birth would have been much different. With out the peace and quiet, and with out her mate by her side dark thoughts would have certainly infiltrated her mind. As it was the girl would fight back thoughts of regret, how could she want to bring children into a world that had only caused her heartache and pain. The world was cruel and her children were innocent. Had she not retreated to the island she might have lost her children from simple negativity.
However, they had found themselves alone, on a honeymoon of sorts, on a lush tropical island. She had nothing to worry about, and would find that happiness and perfection could still be found in their cold cruel world. Alpine was her savior, as he leaned in to nuzzle her cheek she would sigh softly. She'd never realized how incomplete she had been until she finally gave her heart to this man. She would swivel her slate backed ears to him as he let out a gentle chuckle. She was usually hungry now that she had to feed more than just herself. Alpine obviously knew this as he took the rabbit back within his jaws.
She would fall for his trap and would attempt to bite at the flesh dangled before her. She wouldn't make it very high off the ground, but wouldn't catch hold anyway. ?What?s the magic word? he would tease her, "Give your pregnant wife her meal!" she would giggle playfully, her tail pounding the dry sand beneath it.
