
seven year summer



06-17-2014, 05:25 PM

The darling babe dove in and got a hold of flesh. Though it was not his thigh like attended, her jaws wrapped around his leg just above his paw. The girl would take. it. Blood leaked from his leg. The woman would attempt to clench down on the bony bit of leg, she would also try to shake her leg in attempt to cause more damage. But, he would strike her raised hackles before she got to do to much damage. His teeth sunk into the middle of her thick scruff, right between her shoulder blades. A growl would be heard as blood leaked from the rolls of tough skin. It was not a vital bite, but enough to make her clench with pain. Her swipe of a paw met the target but not hard enough to make him fall. She continued to have her tail tucked, eyes narrowed, lips curled, ears pinned, knees bent, and core tightened. She felt his jaws tighten, causing more pain for the girl. More blood would spew from the wound. Nephele snorted and let go of his paw. She would then try to raise herself slightly to attempt a bite at his very lower bit of flank. The area between his leg and his torso. Her right paw would move to the very front of her body before she attempted to swiped up and slam it against his left back paw. Such may cause bruising to the toes of the man. Nephele was ruthless.




Defenses: Hackles raised. She continued to have her tail tucked, eyes narrowed, lips curled, ears pinned, knees bent, and core tightened.

Attacks: Nephele snorted and let go of his paw. She would then try to raise herself slightly to attempt a bite at his very lower bit of flank. The area between his leg and his torso. Her right paw would move to the very front of her body before she attempted to swiped up and slam it against his left back paw. Such may cause bruising to the toes of the man.

Injuries: three shallow lacerations along her upper left shoulder. bruise on spine right before her hips/rear. bite at left hip. bite between her shoulders on her scruff.

Notes: i went off of this diagram. <3 if that helps.