
lizard licking


06-17-2014, 06:42 PM

Her ears remained pricked attentively towards Kristoffer, and for all her irritation with him earlier, Kellen found herself enjoying their playful banter. Overcompensating or not, it was refreshing to have someone who could handle a little bit of a joke about their manhood. Not many of her companions could deal with that. Which was pretty obnoxious, to say the least. They were all so wrapped up in what they were or weren't that they couldn't handle a little fun. Their loss. "Guess it must make up for all the women like me who just aren't that into you." Kellen's voice was light as she gazed at the black male before her, poison green eyes tracking his movements curiously.

She had to snicker at Kristoffer's words, amusement clear in her gaze as he tried to flatter her once more. "Honestly, I think somewhere permanent wouldn't be half bad." Kellen shrugged slightly, "But it's not that easy to leave my crew. And they're not so good at not upsetting the locals." Yeah, killing and kidnapping didn't go over well with local wolves all that often. It was too bad, really. Everyone killed, right? To Kellen, it was just a part of life. She might be killed someday - but if she went down, she'd go down fighting.

Kellen didn't even deign to comment on the whole attention thing. In all honesty, she didn't get much male attention, nor did she particularly care to. It simply wasn't in her nature to seek it out, and the pirate gal wasn't the easiest to even attempt to woo. One-eyed Joe was the closest she'd come to even a friendship since the pirates had abducted her as a pup, and it wasn't like he was great company honestly. He was kind of a dick, actually.
