
Going Under


06-05-2014, 01:01 PM
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Sickness. It came sweeping over the land, infecting several members of Valhalla and who knew how many others across Alacritia. Arwel couldn?t know for sure, but he was certain that this incident was not isolated in their pack alone. He had been trying to do what he could for the sick, morning over Vahva... It had, in fact, even temporarily made him forget his duties as a brother. Meili... He hadn?t seen her in days. Not even a scent. That was when worry grasped him, and Arwel would seek his sister?s den.

The closer her got, the stronger the smell of sickness, blood, and filth. Arwel could feel his breath catching in his throat, panic hitting him before he even arrived at the den. He had been close enough, seeing another fae turn into the den, to hear her cry out his sister?s name. ?No!? He damned himself. Mentally damned himself so many times over in those few seconds that if his sister didn?t clearly need help he would have wished to be struck down by the gods then and there. Where was Gael? Why was she alone? Or had been alone...

Arwel would move into the den entrance, gasping in horror at the state his poor younger sister was in. ?M-Meili...? Tears stung his eyes. Not another victim... Especially not his sister.. They had barely gotten back together... And now... He would glance to the other femme, ears lowered back against his head. ?Please... I can help move her but...? It was taking all he could to keep his voice calm as it was now.



