
Dead set on living (Epidemic Meeting!)



7 Years
06-05-2014, 01:09 PM (This post was last modified: 06-08-2014, 08:28 PM by Natalya.)
ooc;; Iko, I sent you a couple of PMS, hope you don't mind me messing up the posting order!

Permission to PP Hermes given my Luns over Skype.

The sable woman listened carefully to the words of her family, her anxiety building with every passing second. She had adequate knowledge of the herbs of these lands, having taken the time to sniff them out during her travels when she first arrived. She had made a point of collecting them whenever she could and building the stash she kept near to her den. As Phoebe offered a potential second ingredient Natalya gave a nod, then gave a short howl to call for her raven. Poe was never far and perched himself on her shoulder as she completed the puzzle.

"Yes, both sound like they will work well. Perhaps we should combine the agrimony and horsetail with alfalfa. Poe, could you please fly back to the den and retrieve those for me?" The raven cried out and parted immediately only moments before chaos ensued.

When he was still at a distance, Natalya felt relief to smell her son approaching. It had been some time since she had spoken with him and she had no idea what he had been up to or if he was even well. She began to step his way, but stopped as his scent became stronger. Something wasn't right. There was something mixed in with the smell of him, something that smelled of decay. Panic sent her heart into a rapid beat as she smelled him getting rapidly closer and instinct told her to lower and tense her body. Was Hermes running to her for help, or was it something else? Where was Apollo? Was he okay?

She barely had time to entertain her motherly worries as the impact occurred and a pair of vicious teeth sunk into the left side of her neck. She cried out in pain, more emotional than physical, before twisting her body in retaliation. Natalya barely registered her own movements as she reared up and threw her weight into her son, somehow knocking him on his side and immediately covering him with her weight, a paw pressing down on his face to hold his teeth at bay as best she could. At some point in her reaction she had wrenched her skin free of his grasp and felt a hot river of blood flowing from the wound, but adrenaline had taken over. The only thing she cared about now was saving her child from himself.

The barely audible cry of the raven as he returned was the only thing that steadied her heart. "Test the cure on Hermes, quickly!" Gods, please let this work.

Edit - this is where everyone smacks Raii for constantly derping Olympus names.