
>> we will all burn together.



06-05-2014, 01:09 PM

The woman was perfection. Her elegant body. Untouched. Unseen. Her paws were dainty and delightful. Her eyes were bright with curiosity at all times. Nephele was a Goddess, a creature of divine beauty. It was obvious that the ebony male before her was interested. The hunger within his silver eyes. The yearning, it made her flourish in confidence. The Princess took a step forward, watching him closely. She watched as he flung mud from his fur, most of it missing her. But, she still flinched, the woman hated dirt. It was not her greatest asset., Muck was not a good look. The woman fluttered her lashes as she calmed down from the mud storm. His baritone vocals filled her ash dipped audits in delight. He spoke her name and she smiled a little more. Though, she took note when he did not let forth his own name. Just memorizing hers instead. The woman tilted her head, waiting to see if he would spill the beans, but he did not.

The divine woman sat down and stare at him with keen eyes. They were sharp, never ending. As he would speak once more the woman tilted her head again. "I have no single home." The woman was not in a pack, nor will she be until her brother builds a throne for her delicate arse to sit on. She would rule with her brother, but in the mean time, the bitch was packless and alone. The woman would flash him a smirk and lay down. Her body would compliment the ground with such elegance. Her fur sprawled out in delight. She was a mystery to all eyes. Her thoughts were never revealed and her emotions were always hidden. Her face was always adorned with her trademark smile and her fluttering lashes. She would observe as he got up and sauntered her way. The woman stared at him with such furosity. A fire ignited in her, one that only came forth when she embraced her adoring brother. Though, the man at her rear would not gain her trust that day. Her legs would not be spread to his stick. She turned her head to look at him, gazing his way with such delight. "Tell me your name, my knight." Her voice was masked with such intensity it could blow a grown man from his throne.
