
Sleeping In



5 Years
09-25-2014, 05:05 PM

Walk | Talk | Think

The fish still wriggled and squirmed in her grasp as she made it to the shoreline, keeping her grip upon it firm to ensure that it was not lost. Fishing was not always as easy as she had made it seem, and even for a second she had thought she would be unsuccessful with her lunge for the water-bound creature. By luck alone she had managed to catch it, and now that she had it she had no intention of making a silly mistake and letting it go.

Making sure she was well away from the water, far enough that it might not splash back in and swim away to safety, Anais set the fish down and placed a paw over it, holding it in place so that she could glance upward and smile at her brother with a bright grin that was no longer hidden by her catch. He too was after his own fish but luck did not seem to be with him this time. He gave up after a few more leaps and came back toward her, soaked in lake water and with nothing to show for it. Anais could not remember exactly how many times she had walked out of the lake the very same way during her mother's lessons and wondered vaguely when it was that she had picked up the skill at all.

Somewhere during her inattention the fish had stopped its wriggling, and letting her paw up she glanced down at her catch thoughtfully before coming to a decision. She stepped aside to put the fish between them and gave it a nudge, offering it to Nako before backing away a few steps to show she meant to give it to him. Surely fish were a rarity for her brothers, particularly since they spent more time with their father than they did their fisher mom. And he did really look like he wanted a bite of it. Tail wagging, Anais danced about a bit on her paws, hoping he would accept her offer rather than turn it down.

* Because he has become her protector, Glacier is allowed into any and all threads that Anais may be in, regardless of how they are tagged.