
A Lonesome Moon



09-25-2014, 05:45 PM

Walk | Talk | Think

Catching the slow, easy movement of the large grey male sitting himself down, Ashtoreth unconsciously found herself doing the same. It felt almost as if the weight of the conversation made the motion easier, urged her to sit in place, and suddenly made their accidental run in feel like it might be lengthier than she had anticipated at first. It was all fine with her; it felt like it had been ages since she had conversed with someone from her old pack, someone who knew her and recognized her by name. And the fact he was currently staying with others, their old leader included, made her all the more eager to stay and find out how everyone was during all the time they had been separated.

Relief was strongest when Alsander did not ask for any further explanation regarding Leon and Ashelia, his quiet apology accepted with a silent nod of her head. It was still hard to talk about, hard to think about, even after the months since their disappearance. She missed her mate terribly, felt his absence most when she looked into the faces of her daughter and son, and wished his strength, his support, was still with them. She did her best with him gone, tried to be her own support team by telling herself she was doing everything within her power to ensure their safety and success in the future, but doubts and shortcomings continued to cloud her judgment, and some days, like this one, it was hardest of all.

She continued to quietly steady herself, focusing on mastering the emotions that had so strongly hit her this night, and listened almost absently as he went on to talk of Surreal and her plans. Just a little she felt her heart ache at the thought. To have everyone join up again, even under a new name, would have been wonderful. Ashtoreth missed all of them, missed the familial connection she shared with each of the ex-Valhallan wolves, and longed to be with them again. Which made Alsander's notion of returning "home" all the more heartbreaking. How could she go back to them when she was now part of Olympus? They had trusted her to join them and take up a hunter's place, welcomed her and her children without issue. How could she turn her back on them after their kindness?

Distressed, the lean grey hunter's ears tucked against her head, feeling torn between the options available to her, her gaze staring down at the ground between them as if her choices were laid out right there upon the earth. "Nothing would make me happier than to join the Valhallans again," she answered softly, longing deep within her voice. "But we just joined Olympus..." Another thing he said gave her hope, however, and finally she lifted her two-toned gaze so that she could meet his mismatched eyes. "Will one of you come and find me when Surreal makes her pack? I'm not sure I can move the kids so soon after this last time." But more than anything, she wished to. Just being around them would have made her feel so much better.

She hesitated a second, pondering, before she asked quietly, "How are they?" It had been so long... She hoped everyone was well despite all that had happened.