
The Ghosts that We Knew



4 Years
06-21-2014, 04:00 PM (This post was last modified: 06-21-2014, 04:01 PM by Baldur.)

Baldur gasped through the pain but dutifully held still while the healer tended to his wounds. He flinched a little at her statement but could only nod in agreement. He was a mess. Physically, mentally, emotionally. He'd never felt so shattered in his life but at least Linne? was here now. He could feel her presence watching him, worried but strong. To think her spirit had come back to him. There was so much he wanted to say, so much he wanted to ask and all the while there was this creeping doubt echoing in his brain. How sure was he that she was really there?

"Don't worry Baldur. I'm not going anywhere, not unless you want me too." He smiled softly, attention shifting only when the healer spoke and introduced herself as Orchid. "Yes, ma'am. Sorry to trouble you." He flinched a little at the mention of her sawing off a limb with her claws. Wolf claws were quite dull and that would take forever! He hoped if it ever came to that she'd just chew it off. Orchid commanded him to stay put and so he did. There was the impulse to be rebellious but he was in far to much pain to move even if he wanted to so instead he rested his head on his paws and waited, loosing himself in Linne?'s sweet voice as she hummed him a little song.

Ice blue eyes opened as the healer returned with food and drink. Wow? he was impressed. "Thank you." he whispered before taking in the water and starting, weakly to eat.

Baldur rarely lied, at least directly, that was more Loki's domain so when Orchid asked him about his little mess he answered. "I'm Baldur. I left Alacritis for a bit to rescue my brother Hodr? but he was tortured and killed by my unless. They attacked me. We fought? I lost." He shrugged. There wasn't really much to add. "Thank you again for rescuing me? what were you doing all the way out here any how?" Baldur couldn't help but be curious as to the circumstances that had saved his life.
