
Cold Air

Chrono I


5 Years
06-21-2014, 04:08 PM (This post was last modified: 06-21-2014, 04:11 PM by Chrono I.)

Chrono once again held the gaze of the sharp eyed female. Saving Me... As if you knew me before this. Chrono's eyes looked sadly on Esper, his eyes remained softly on her pelt as she looked up to the sky and then back to him.

She spoke of being chosen for breeding, as what a brood was. She spoke of how the males wouldn't even look her direction, but here she was; friendly, kind, open, what was their deal? Was there something missing? Wait... Breeding for heirs? Shouldn't heirs be bred from royalty? The male still listened to the woman through his thoughts.

Tortured? Banished? That's why I ran. You should have too. The male didn't think once about his parents, even though her words spoke of her own. The two had something very strong in common; the fact that it seemed like they were alone in the world, no one could be their hero when in dire need.

His head tilted and his eyes spoke to her to say "I know the pain." But then he let a low smile onto his lips. He took his teeth softly on the hair running on her forehead, the fur slightly stroking through his mouth. His eyes came back down to her and then he finally spoke, "Come on Esperanza, I'll take you home."

(OOC: We can keep posting in this thread until satisfied. Chrono needs more posts and they could use some more friendliness threads before stuff gets real ;))

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