
In Disbelief, I Didn't Know (EBONY)



5 Years
06-21-2014, 02:01 PM

Walk | Talk | Think

With the coming of the cure for the epidemic Anais had been feeling more and more like herself. No longer was she burdened by the prospect of losing both her mother and brother to illness, or of somehow losing pieces of them as their thoughts and vision had been affected as well. She could still recall peering into the sick den to watch them, listening to her mother ramble what sounded like nonsense. Seeing them recovering and beginning to act as they had before becoming sick, as if they they had never been sick to begin with, she knew that her family would be returning to normal soon.

It was with this brightness, this hope, in her heart that she traveled away from the snowy fields that surrounded the lake to the Rock Garden, following the call of the woman who had led the hunting training alongside her mother. It did not cross her mind that it would be odd for them to be called together by someone who was not their leader - Vaughan had called a meeting too and he had not been ruling either - and neither did the serious look upon the darkly colored woman's face seem out of place. She had given off the impression of one very serious, more so even than Anais's own mother, but that did not mean in the gold-girl's mind that she should have been alarmed.

None of her family members had yet arrived - Ha! I win! - so Anais wandered over to the group with a friendly wag of her tail and a smile, her yellow-gold gaze scanning from Katja seated atop the boulder to the two wolves and the pup, one of the wolves which looked unfamiliar and apart from Ebony. As well as bleeding somewhere along the back of his neck. It seemed as if he had words for Katja and not wanting to eavesdrop and seem nosy the girl stopped away from them and seated herself to wait for her family while casting curious glances at those present as she did so.

* Because he has become her protector, Glacier is allowed into any and all threads that Anais may be in, regardless of how they are tagged.