
Road Trip


06-05-2014, 06:36 PM

Erani would speak again, and her ears would tilt forward- attentive as always, though she was very aware of her surroundings. Though she didn't expect an attack- she would be prepared. As Erani spoke, Roman mulled her words, internally chuckling at the queens comment of 'recognizing ones own mortality.' That was all she had been doing in the last year, wasn't it? The ivory woman mentioned Eris, and her head cocked slightly- as she took in details that she didn't know about the healer. Eris had given birth here? She then went on to mention Impra and Roman nodded thoughtfully. Valhalla had been more than fair to the Glaciem wolves they had helped. Though she didn't doubt that Eris would move hell and high water to help any wolf she found near their borders, Roman knew that the healer would possibly fight Isardis to do it, and allow them to leave in peace. Her father never let a crisis go to waste, he was a brilliant strategist, even though he was ruthless. She found it hard to believe that he wouldn't take the injured wolf prisoner- for a political move later.

Again she would hear the story from an Adravendi's point of view of how the Glaciem & Valhallan war came to be. She flicked her ear- betraying no real emotion at the murder of the innocent. After all who was really innocent? From her experience with war- the fact that this wolf was innocent, probably never occurred to Isardis. Blood-lust was a powerful thing. Her words about Azalea however gained a slight reaction, as she glance sharply at the other Queen- her violet eyes meeting her powerful blue gaze. Azalea hadn't said it directly- but Roman had only guessed. Isardis, the male who could have any brood he so desired- a rapist? The very thought made her stomach churn. Her ears flattened slightly, and she had to quell the desire to retch. That crime was too close to home, for the pale woman. She coughed- turning her gaze away for a moment as she fought to compose herself- to control her body. She could react later. A heaving breath shook her- as she faced Erani again.

Roman had mixed feelings about Liberty. She had never spent much time with the girl- probably had never had a personal conversation with her, but she couldn't help but seed some of the blame with her- for the war. Not that she'd claim it aloud, no- she wouldn't offend the Valhallan's with that, but she wondered how much of this.. Liberty had provoked. If she hadn't been interesting- a spitfire... would she have retained her father's interest enough to go to battle? Why was she in the north? Erani went on, to mention a peace treaty between Valhalla and Glaicem, approved by none other than- Sendoa. Her head tilted slightly, the cobalt queen was playing a dangerous game with her father, one that Roman wasn't sure- that she, herself, had the courage to play.

This history of Tortuga was interesting enough- Taurig was her half brother, a son of Isardis. He had brought peace between them? She'd only met the man once- when he traded the throne of Tortuga for his wife- Majia. A wife he refused to fight for. Roman couldn't decide if he was a coward or genius for that. She never could decide her feeling on her half-brother. Perhaps she should seek him out- let him tell his story for himself. As she spoke, Roman smiled slightly, and gave a little nod- though she would wait until the other Queen was completely done speaking before addressing certain points, that she had noted through Erani's story.

Erani spoke then about the standing between the packs- and her ear twitched slightly. Roman didn't necessarily want Valhalla to hate Tortuga- to brew an enemy, but she also didn't dare turn her back on her father. She knew all to easily what he could do, instead she would walk a fine line. She'd taken her own time to investigate Valhalla before making any decision. Erani spoke of Taurig's bravery in standing up to Isardis. Roman honestly couldn't decide if that had been the bravest move, or had it only stirred more hatred her father's heart. She loved Isardis- deeply. He was her father, the one connection of family that she had left, beyond her siblings. Her mother was dead- in the end she had no one else, except for Tortuga. Ultimately she had to do what was best for them. Erani offered a peace treaty- and Roman thought about it for a few moments- trying to choose the best plan.

The subject took an interesting turn, as Erani mentioned meeting Qanik, the prior summer or spring. Qanik had found herself someone? A slight smile pulled at her lips, she couldn't deny that she was happy for her- though the smile fell, when Erani mentioned he was missing. She'd have to tell Qanik, and help the woman keep an eye out for him. She could only hope that they'd find this male again, so that Qanik could perhaps have her chance at happy- at normal.

An Armada and the Queen of Vahalla, conversing- it would see wold be a strange and perhaps miraculous thing indeed. Could it become any stranger? Indeed- it seemed that it could. None other than Azalea Adravendi herself would appear. Roman would return her nod, with a slight dip of her head and a soft but quick smile, her attention turning to August who would introduce himself. She wondered what he was thinking about all of this, but there would be time to probe his mind later. Did the Valhalla Queen know that Azalea and Roman had met only days before this meeting? Had Azalea mentioned it? Roman could only speculate.

Finally it would seem that it was Roman's turn to speak again, but the dame would let silence fall for a few moments before she would speak. She needed to contemplate her words, and make sure they were exactly what she intended them to be. She had a habit of speaking before thinking. "I can say with little doubt, that you'll probably never hear a word of gratitude for my father for your treatment of Eris and Impra. He is a proud man, but I would personally like to thank you. It takes an honorable wolf- to help an enemy. He owes you, both of his daughters life. And I owe you my sisters." She spoke sincerely. She wondered if Eris or Impra had ever thanked Erani? Erani was probably the only reason Eris had lived to give birth to Irune.

Roman had seen countless murdered, that didn't phase her, the idea of being forced into something? Losing your virginity to a male you didn't love or feel for in the smallest of ways. She understood exactly- how that felt. "I recently met, Azalea. The things that happened to her.... I love my father, Erani Adravendi- but I cannot condone a rapist in anyway." She sighed. She had seen her fathers fury- when she told him what Fugue had done to her. How could this be a double standard. Could she depart from the subject for a moment? Get away from a history, to tell Erani who she was? She glanced slightly at Azalea- her eyes apologetic.

"Isardis... is the family I have left, excluding my siblings. My mother was slain before me, and I fled home in order to survive. I don't tell you this expecting pity, but to perhaps let you have a better understanding of me." She paused. This would also be the first time that August would hear her story. What would he think of her? "I came to Alacritis, last Winter. Just after the siege between Glaciem and Valhalla. Needless to say, it was my biased story of the war, that led me to want to hear what Valhallan's thought about it." Another pause.

"It was in my first season, that I was struck down and taken advantage of." She paused, her eyes burning as she looked at the Queen, and glanced at Azalea. She understood- she didn't have children because of it.. but she understood. Why was she revealing this? "The male... who took advantage of me resides in another pack. I tell you that to help, perhaps, illustrate- the difference between my father and I. I forgave the male- did not seek retribution-didn't start a war, because I was foolish. When I again came face to face with him. Dare I say it, if Isardis found out- he'd start a war, after he kicked my ass." A humorless chuckle left her. Her father's anger at her rule- was something she worried about daily. "I love my father, but I am not him. I have a pack that needs me to take care of it. Wolves who rely on me." She glanced at August, then back to Erani.

"I'm not sure Glaciem as an enemy- because I pissed off Isardis, is a wise move. Nor do I want Valhalla as an enemy. You're honorable wolves- I see no reason to have you has an enemy." She blinked slowly- and took a breath before speaking. "I personally hold no ill intent towards Valhalla, and would expect my pack to treat any of your wolves fairly- upon meeting them." She chuckled slightly a smile dancing on her lips. Inwardly her mind was in turmoil. Would she stand with her father if he declared another war? She wondered if his pack would stand with him? Glaciem had been wavering- the empire he had worked so hard to build seemed to crumble as of late. He'd been to ill to run it- and Sendoa was doing the best she could, but still... perhaps others were seeing the error in his ways?

"I guess what I am trying to say, is that a peace treaty would be nice." She fell silent for a few moments, and glanced at Azalea. She personally held no ill will towards them. They weren't the monsters she'd pictured in her mind. She wasn't sure she could bring herself to war with them- unless they did something to deserve it. She actually felt sickness in her gut- at what her father had done to Azalea. The things she wanted to say to him- answers that she wanted to demand of him... The war she could nearly disregard- war didn't bother her. Rape however.... it made no sense. His double standard confused her, deeply. How could he condone his own acts, when he wanted to rip Fugue in two? She couldn't deny that if had run into Fugue he'd had probably killed him- ripped the males body in pieces. Roman didn't understand his reaction- when he was that same monster. It disgusted her. It confused her. Truly, it broke her heart.

Could Roman deny that Isardis scared her? His raw power- his thirst for ambition. She was terrified of disappointing him- so much so that was the root of her nightmares. Perhaps Taurig was braver than she? But she had seen what Isardis had done to him... Could she stand against her father? She honestly didn't know. Perhaps she was simply a coward.

"About Flamesong, I will indeed pass on the message to Qanik, and I will personally help her keep an eye out for him." She couldn't deny that she was thrilled for Qanik. Perhaps if they found him again- the shared pups would bring the pack closer. Or would it put them all in danger? She fell silent again, the wheels in her mind spinning, so much had happened- how would she ever process it all? "I'm happy Qanik found someone- now we just have to find him." She said with a slightly warm smile. She definitely wanted to meet the wolf that Qanik had feelings for- he must be a special wolf indeed. They would have to find him.


ooc: 2,039 words man.