
dead white and blue


07-05-2014, 11:31 PM (This post was last modified: 07-05-2014, 11:33 PM by Svanerna.)

OOC: ohlookmoarpoloiticsyah - any high ranking ppls can join but its politics XD
The woman was that of a fierce creature. She had learnt the ropes of leading long ago. It had been beat into her brain from day one. The girl knew what she had to do and she was going to do it. There were plans for her to remain completely neutral until her lovely Vi would call her into action. With all the drama with Elysium and Covari Svanerna could taste war on her salmon tongue. Valhalla was slowly growing and she had no reason to invite enemies into the bunch yet. The lady was quite the leader, but she needed to visit the other packs. The first one on the list was infamous. Glaciem. It was the furthest north but also the most known. They were led by the Pale King, led to war and won. They actually went to war with the previous Valhalla. But, even with the same name, Svan would seek an understanding. If Glaciem's members did not mess with Valhallas, the Viking would be fine. Therefore, her paws would slam down onto the snow covered ground with ease. She was on the smaller size, but still average for her age and gender. Svanerna knew how to fight, but she would doubt it would matter. The old lady could easily put a smile upon her inky lips and sweet talk her way to greatness. Her head was flicked up and a song filled the air, beckoning the Alpha of the great Kingdom in the north.
