
I am not my own



4 Years
06-05-2014, 07:31 PM

Isolde was tiny, her tactics of survival were completely opposite that of the larger man. She had to be cautious, she couldn't easily overpower an opponent to escape. She had to use ehr wits and her speed, however the man did not seem intent upon her harm. Of course if he meant her dead it was very likely he would have never announced himself so politely. Still the girl was not so aware of dangers other than death, and would let her guard down slightly. His royal speech would lull her into a more trusting demeanor, still her paws would remain a comfortable pace from him. Further bringing her to ease the decorated man would sit before her, his moon like eyes resting on her dainty form.
Her stance would become more comfortable and grounded, still standing rather proudly before his she would take in his answer of her question. He would lightly smirk, her own features mirroring the adornment lightly. "There is no need for help, you just seemed lonely.. I thought I would grace you with my company.." his grin would turn up further, like he thought she needed his presence beside her. "Is that an issue? I can leave, my darling." Gaze would be averted from him as she took in his words momentarily, she couldn't decide if he were an annoyance or a charm. She would smile slyly as her features were turned back towards him. She could be bothered by some more regal company. "I am rather special.. like you seem to be." her gaze would narrow with her latter words, her gears obviously turning as she attempted to figure him out. "Might you hold royal blood as well?" she would go on to question him, wondering if his physical attributes were a boastfulness of his pedigree.


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