
The joy discord can bring


06-05-2014, 07:45 PM

The chill in the air was enough for scents to be extra pungent once hitting the right nose. For Pandora, the scent was so strong that day, her nose had wanted to push it out and bring it back in. Ecstasy was something Pandora was not used to, but upon recognizing that someone else was there, she wanted to become wrapped up in the unfamiliar sweetness. Her eyelids closed, gold tips revealed that naturally graced the outer edges of her eyes. Eyelashes fluttered until she felt the scent wane in its thickness. Slowly, her eyes opened and the owner of the perfume was noted not too far from where she stood.
She immediately thought the girl looked lovely (the parts she could see, anyway). A gentle smile crossed her face and she started to move through the brush and around the sharp thorns. Her body moved as if it was built for such tight spots and if it enticed anyone, oh well. Pandora would take the blame for making others' paws sweat and brows furrow in frustration, but that would happen in time. Oh, if only she knew what kind of journey this girl would provide for her.
Her gold-kissed paws continued to move to open spots on the ground, touching cold places that hadn't been caressed by such dainty paws in a long time. Then, as she stood in an awkward position while facing the girl, she changed her mind and direction. Rather than go back the way she had come, she immediately turned to her left and proceeded to find a new path through the thick, bristly web of branches and thorns. Gold-backed ear pricked in the girl's direction and Pandora slowly moved her head so one blue eye could make contact with the russet-furred maiden. She noted a few spots on her back and her curiosity increased in hunger. Instead of changing her mind again, she gave another soft smile and voiced, "Not chicken, are we?" before beginning her next mission through the underbrush. She hoped that one of the wide arches of empty brush would appear so she would be able to properly stretch out any muscles that were going to be misused.

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